Text Box:    John and I have been married for 23 years and it has been a wonderful adventure. We met and married just after John transferred to Michigan for work. Starting a family wasn't in the front of our minds but God had other ideas. Kathryn and Lindsay came along delighting both of our families. We would have been content to stay put but work and God had other plans and we relocated to beautiful Australia. This is a wonderful place to grow as a family and this is what we did. Ian made his grand entrance. John's work moved us again, this time to Buffalo. It was nice to be home with family again and God worked His magic - this time with Rachel and Justin. I came from a large family so having five children isn't strange.
	John and I thought our moving days were done when we settled in Buffalo, but again, God and work changed Text Box: things for us. We were offered a position in a town called El Paso. John loved his travels to El Paso, so after much thought and prayer we moved to our new home. The kids embraced their new lives and I clung to John and my knitting. We found our new parish home here at Saint Matthew.
	My grandmother was one of the wisest ladies I have ever known. She always said no matter where you are get involved! With young children I always volunteered to teach religion. I enjoy teaching Second Grade Eucharistic classes. Sometimes I just get carried away and I can't say no. This is what happened when the wonderful ladies of the Women's Auxiliary invited me to talk about knitting preemie hats and prayer shawls. Now we have a Prayer Shawl Ministry. We meet on Mondays and we knit baby hats, shawls and baby blankets for the Children's Hospital. We would love more knitters to come and join us!
Text Box: Getting to know you …  “Michelle Kutrybala ”

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The Good News of St Matthew Catholic Parish

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Year of Faith 
2012 ~ 2013