Text Box: My name is Jennifer Gonzalez and this year will be my third year teaching catechism.  When I was attending the Confirmation program here at St. Matthew, I was drawn into the importance placed on service around the community, but especially that of the community of our parish. The volunteers that served as my teachers also played a big influence on me. I witnessed them spending their own time to teach faith and help make an understanding to what faith really can develop into.  It was then that I wanted to help spread the word about God, just as my teachers had done, especially to the youth of our parish. During the final retreat of the Confirmation program, there was an announcement that once we were confirmed, we could volunteer in the catechist program. The same month I was confirmed I went into Jane Fuller's office and told her how much I would love to become a catechist teacher. That following school year I became a kindergarten catechism teacher and I just love it. Being a catechist teacher has taught me so much about the word of God and how accepting God into our lives can do extraordinary things,  especially that of the age group I teach. Seeing this reaction in catechism, I decided to also become a Confirmation teacher and try to teach the same importance of service and God that I was taught during the program.  Being involved in the parish is one of my best decisions and it has inspired me to do so much more for myself, my community, and my parish. I will continue to teach in both the catechism and Confirmation programs in the near and far future. 
Text Box: Text Box:                                                       Getting to know you …  Jenifer Gonzalez

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The Good News of St Matthew Catholic Parish

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2012 ~ 2013

…”It was then that I wanted to help spread the word about God,…”