Text Box: Getting to know you …  “Elisa Gonzalas (Castro)”
Text Box: Reflections continued: from page 1

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Text Box: Yes, whether we choose to visit the big city, attend baseball games, a movie or two, hike, canoe or camp our way through the dog days and nights of summer each of us as Christians and Catholics will in those quiet moments under the stars or in our own beds inevitably contemplate the mystery of our own existence and offer a prayer or an hour of our time in Adoration with the Lord on our journey of life and faith thereby insuring our summer was time well spent.
[1] www.yahoo.com Investigators may have discovered earliest evidence of Christian Iconography in Jerusalem by Eric Pfeiffer Tuesday February 28, 2012.
 Continue from page1

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My name is Elisa Gonzalez (Castro).  I have been teaching catechism for four years now.  It came to be when my son Michael was starting his First Holy Communion, and my daughter Jennifer her Confirmation classes here at St. Matthew.  I would help substitute for the First Communion classes when needed for two years and I also helped in the Confirmation office.  I then started working part time in the Religious Education department. It was a blessing.

  I really enjoyed substituting and most of all, teaching young students about God.  That is when I decided to teach my own class, and after the first year, I wanted to move up with the class for their second year preparation.  It has been a wonderful, fulfilling and joyful time for me.  Since then I have become a full time employee at St. Matthew.

 I have been blessed for having the opportunity to teach, and also to keep learning and growing in my faith.  I plan to continue teaching catechism in the future.