Text Box:       A Lenten Reflection,     By Jane Fuller       (continued from page 1)
Text Box: Continued from page 1
 No matter what our circumstances or what misfortunes we encounter our country has established fall back positions for us.  We have to network to reach some, but they are there.  Are we to say, “Oh well, too bad” for those born in less fortunate circumstances, in countries where there is no governmental help?
Are we called to focus only on our local family or are we Christians who encompass all in our heart? Are we not called to care for all God’s children throughout the world?  We each know our own heart on this subject and what words we have used to describe our feelings on this issue and how our actions have displayed our sentiments.  We should pray for those that have made this a stumbling block in their dealings with others.  We need to think about Christians who were born in other countries, who will never have the freedom to work at a job they enjoy, to pray in a church of their choosing, or to feed their families until their bellies are full each day. We need to become the people God planned for us to be – to reach out of our comfort zone and truly care for our brothers and sisters. Going to church every Sunday is not all we have been called to do.
Our actions are the example for our family, our neighbors and our co-workers. Are we able to say to ourselves that we are leading through our own actions? At this point, take a moment to reflect and think about how you care, both in prayer and in action for others.
As a Catholic community we need to be stronger in order to serve the poor. Isn't that what Jesus said? His first responsibility was to reach out to the poor, those in need. That's where Jesus always went. He preferred them. They were the closest companions of Jesus - the poor, the outcast, the marginalized. Perhaps God is challenging us. If we're going to be speaking for God we have to raise our concerns about that and do something about it. 
There are so many ways that if we would begin to be alert we would discover God speaking to us in the quietest prayer or through events of the day. If we're going to be prophets and proclaim God's message and live it, then perhaps what we need to hear most of all is exactly what St. Paul wrote to the Church of Rome: “Prophets are people who really hear God's word, follow God's word and live God's word.” How does one do that? By following the one law that sums up everything: "Love God with your whole heart and soul, your mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself." 
When we begin to do that, we will really be prophets by the words we proclaim, but most of all by the way we live our lives with concern and love for our brothers and sisters, especially for the poorest and those who suffer the most among us.

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400 West Sunset, El Paso Texas 79912 (915)584-3461

Text Box: "Love God with 
your whole heart 
and soul, your mind
 and strength, and 
love your neighbor
 as yourself."


Thou shall not try to relive yesterday for good or ill, it is forever gone. Concentrate on what is happening in your life. And be Happy now!